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IAQ Indoor
Air Quality

In urban living, indoor air quality has a significant impact on human health and a comfortable lifestyle. We spend most of our time indoors, at home, in the office, and in indoor environments. Poor indoor air quality can lead to discomfort, poor health, and in the workplace, high absenteeism and low productivity. Conversely, good indoor air quality can protect the health of building occupants, make them feel comfortable, and maintain good health.


Indoor Air Quality Certification

To improve indoor air quality and enhance public awareness of indoor air quality, the government introduced the voluntary participation "Indoor Air Quality Management Program" in 2003.

The Indoor Air Quality Certification Program uses two levels, "Excellent" and "Good," as benchmarks for evaluating indoor air quality in premises / buildings.


"Excellent" - represents the best indoor air quality that a high-end and comfortable building should have

"Good" - represents indoor air quality that can protect the general public, including children and the elderly

If the premises / buildings participating in the program pass on-site testing and their indoor air quality meets the Environmental Protection Department's standards, they will be certified and labeled for indoor air quality, available for public access.

The latest indoor air parameters include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, inhalable suspended particles, total volatile organic compounds, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, formaldehyde, radon, bacteria and mold in the air.


IAQ Certification

Issuance Service

PITC provides indoor air testing services for premises/buildings and issues high-quality certification that meets the Environmental Protection Department's indoor air standards.

For more information,

please feel free to call or email us.

Tel: (+852) 3568 6872


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